Coordinates Converter (2025)

This coordinates converter will convert latitude and longitude coordinates to the desired format: DD, DMS, or DDM. What is latitude and longitude? These are the imaginary lines that go around and from pole to pole on a globe, respectively. If you know latitude and longitude, you can find any place on Earth. In order to do that you will have to know how to read and write coordinates. We will explain how to do this in the text below. We will also show you the principles of converting coordinates and give a step-by-step examples for the Sydney Opera House and the Empire State Building.

Would you like to know how latitude and longitude coordinates are connected to time zones? Check the answer in the lat long to UTM converter!

What is latitude and longitude?

With coordinates, you can locate any place on the Earth to a high degree of accuracy. The geographical coordinate system is based on the spherical coordinate system for an ellipsoid - the shape of the Earth. It originates from the intersection of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England) with the Equator. We specify coordinates using latitude and longitude. But what are they exactly?

Coordinates Converter (1)

Latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and the line extending from the center of the Earth to a certain point on its surface. It references the north-south position on the Earth. It's represented by circles of latitude, or parallels - the lines that go around the globe. The central line of latitude is called the Equator. It has a latitude of 0 degrees. The maximum value of latitude is 90 degrees - found at the poles.

Longitude, on the other hand, refers to a east-west position on the Earth. Lines of longitude, or meridians connect the North and the South Pole. They extend to the east and west of the Prime Meridian, reaching up to 180 degrees. All meridians have the same length - 12,429.9 miles (20,003.93 km).

Did you know that you can calculate the shortest possible distance between two points of known geographical coordinates using latitude and longitude? Learn more about it in the latitude longitude distance calculator. Additionally, with the azimuth calculator, you can estimate the direction you need to point your compass to get from one point to the other!

Now that you know what is latitude and longitude, let's see how to write coordinates in GPS, our lat long converter, or any other tool.

How to write coordinates?

The first rule of writing coordinates is:

First comes the latitude, then the longitude.

Sometimes to help distinguish between latitude and longitude, their respective symbols are included: φ (phi) for latitude and λ (lambda) for longitude. To formulate coordinates you can use:

  1. DD (decimal degrees - °)
  2. DMS (degrees - °, minutes - ', seconds - ")
  3. DDM (degrees (°), decimal minutes ('))

To specify the cardinal direction, you can use letters or positive and negative numbers. For latitude, northern directions may be indicated by the letter N or a positive number, and southern directions can be marked with either the letter S or a negative value. For longitude, you can use the letter E or a positive number for the eastern direction, and the western direction can be indicated by the letter W, or a negative number. Remember - don't mix the forms! If you're using letters, values should always be positive.

Expressing the direction with positive or negative values is common in the DD format of coordinates. It's less popular with DMS or DDM.

For example, let's see how to write the coordinates for two places: the Empire State Building in New York - a city located west of the Prime Meridian and in the northern hemisphere - and Sydney Opera House - east of the Prime Meridian and in the southern hemisphere.

Here are some acceptable forms of latitude and longitude coordinates:

  1. Empire State Building:
  • 40.748417, -73.985833 (DD)
  • 40.748417 N, 73.985833 W (DD)
  • 40 44 54.3 φ N, 73 59 9 λ W (DMS)
  1. Sydney Opera House:
  • -33.858611 φ, 151.214167 λ (DD)
  • 33 51.5167 S, 151 12.8500 E (DDM)
  • 33° 51′ 31″ S, 151° 12′ 51″ E (DMS)

Please note that the °, ', " symbols aren't mandatory. If you are not using them, the numbers of degrees, minutes, and seconds are separated by spaces instead.

How to convert latitude and longitude coordinates?

There are 60 minutes in a degree, and there are 60 seconds in one minute. That means that in one degree, there are 3600 seconds. When you realize that, the DMS to DD formula is obvious:

Decimal degrees = Degrees + Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600

Let's convert the latitude and longitude coordinates of the Empire State Building. The coordinates are 40° 44′ 54.3″ N, 73° 59′ 9″ W. So its latitude in decimal degrees is:

DD = 40 + 44/60 + 54.3/3600 = 40.748417

And longitude:

DD = 73 + 59/60 + 9/3600 = 73.985833

Coordinates in the northern hemisphere have positive values. Coordinate west of the Prime Meridian have negative values. So the geographic coordinates of Empire State Building are: 40.748417 -73.985833.

To convert from degrees with decimal minutes to decimal degrees shortens the formula:

DD = Degrees + Decimal minutes / 60

Converting in the opposite direction is slightly harder. But don't worry. We will explain it step by step below.

How to convert coordinates in DD to DMS, or DDM?

To convert latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees to degrees with minutes and seconds, or degrees with decimal minutes follow these three steps:

  1. Take the integer - these are the degrees.
  2. Multiply the decimal part by 60.
    • If you want to have decimal minutes - here they are! Ignore the third point.
    • If you want to get coordinates in DMS, take only the integer - these are the minutes. Go to the third point.
  3. Multiply the rest by 60. Here are the seconds.

For example, let's convert the Sydney Opera House coordinates from DD to DMS. The coordinates are -33.858611 151.214167.


  1. The integer from 33.858611 is 33. The degrees equal 33.
  2. The decimal part: 0.858611 multiplied by 60 equals 51.51666. Take the integer - minutes = 51'.
  3. Again, take the decimal part - 0.51666, and multiply it by 60. You will get the amount of seconds = 31".

Now, repeat the steps for longitude:

  1. Degrees are equal to 151°.
  2. 0.214167 * 60 = 12.85: the minutes equal 12'.
  3. 0.85002 * 60 = 51: the seconds = 51".

All that's left to do is determine the cardinal direction. Latitude is negative, so it's in the South. Longitude is positive. That indicates a position in the east. So the coordinates of the Sydney Opera House are: 33° 51′ 31″ S 151° 12′ 51″ E.

Now you know how to calculate like our lat long converter!


What does DDM stand for in coordinates?

DDM stands for degrees (°) decimal minutes (').

How do you convert latitude and longitude to decimal degrees?

To convert latitude and longitude to decimal degrees, use this formula:

Decimal degrees = Degrees + Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600

For example, the White House's coordinates are 38° 53' 52.6452'' N and 77° 2' 11.6160'' W. Therefore, its latitude in decimal degrees equals 38.897957 N, and its longitude equals 77.036560 W.

What is an example of a DDM format?

An example of DDM format is 33° 51.5167' S, 151° 12.8500' E. These are the coordinates of the Sydney Opera House.

How do I find DDM coordinates?

To find degrees and decimal minutes (DDM) coordinates from decimal degrees (DD):

  1. Take the integer — these are the degrees.
  2. Multiply the decimal part by 60 — these are the decimal minutes.

For example, the White House's latitude in DD format is 38.897957 N. To convert it to DDM:

  1. The integer in 38.897957 is 38.
  2. The decimal part 0.897957 multiplied by 60 equals 53.87742.

Therefore, the latitude in DDM format is 38° 53.87742' N.

Coordinates Converter (2025)


How do you convert coordinates? ›

Community Mapping Experiment: How to Convert Latitude and Longitude to Map Coordinates
  1. Step 1: Multiply (×) the "degrees" by 60.
  2. Step 2: Add (+) the "minutes"
  3. Step 3: If the Latitude (Longitude) degrees are S (W) use a minus sign ("-") in front. ...
  4. Step 4: Subtract Reference Location converted to Minutes.

How do I convert coordinates to Google Maps? ›

Enter coordinates to find a place
  1. On your computer, open Google Maps.
  2. In the search box, enter your coordinates. Here are examples of formats that work: Decimal degrees (DD): 41.40338, 2.17403. Degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS): 41°24'12.2"N 2°10'26.5"E. Degrees and decimal minutes (DMM): 41 24.2028, 2 10.4418.

How do I turn coordinates into an address? ›

Here are the basic steps.
  1. Make sure your geocode coordinates are properly formatted. ...
  2. Go to the reverse geocode API page.
  3. Enter your geocode into the latitude and longitude fields.
  4. Click the “View API Response” button.
  5. View a list of closest addresses to your coordinates in “API Response” field.

How to convert GPS coordinates from decimal to degrees? ›

Converting a Decimal Degree to Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
  1. Step 1: Find the whole degrees by looking at everything to the left of the decimal point.
  2. Step 2: Find the minutes by taking the decimal part and multiplying by 60. ...
  3. Step 3: Find the seconds by taking what was the decimal part in step 2 and multiplying by 60.
May 18, 2021

How do you convert coordinates to distance? ›

You need Latitude and Longitude to calculate the distance between two locations with following formula: =acos(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2)+cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon2-lon1))*6371 (6371 is Earth radius in km.)

How do you translate coordinates? ›

In general, if a translation in the coordinate plane has a horizontal displacement of 𝑎 units and a vertical displacement of 𝑏 units, then ( 𝑥 , 𝑦 ) will be mapped to ( 𝑥 + 𝑎 , 𝑦 + 𝑏 ) . We write this as ( 𝑥 , 𝑦 ) → ( 𝑥 + 𝑎 , 𝑦 + 𝑏 ) . The signs of 𝑎 and 𝑏 tell us the direction of the displacement.

How to convert google coordinates to GPS coordinates? ›

GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATE CONVERTER Use this tool to convert Google Maps decimal coordinates to GPS coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds and vice versa.

How to transfer GPS coordinates to a map? ›

Copy your latitude and longitude values. Open Google Maps on your computer or through the Google Maps app. Paste your coordinates into the top search bar, click the search button, or hit enter on your keyboard. A map pin with your coordinate location will automatically appear on the map.

How do you generate a map from coordinates? ›

Create A Map From Latitude And Longitude Coordinates
  1. Copy the GPS data from your spreadsheet; make sure the latitudes and longitudes are in separate columns.
  2. Go to and paste the data into the appropriate box (the one on the right).
  3. Click “Create Map.”

Can I get an address from coordinates? ›

You can use a reverse geocoding tool or Google Maps to pull up the address listed at your given coordinates.

How to convert latitude and longitude to city name? ›

Reverse geocoding is the process to convert the latitude and longitude coordinates to a readable address. Type the lat long coordinates and press Convert button. Reverse geocoded address will shown below. Also the municipality, subdivision and country name can be found.

How to read coordinates? ›

It divides the space between each line of latitude or longitude into 60 minutes and divides each minute into decimals. In this format, the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower are 48° 51.504′ N, 2° 17.67′ E. You'd read these coordinates as 48 degrees, 51.504 minutes north and 2 degrees, 17.67 minutes east.

How do I change my GPS coordinates? ›

This method typically involves downloading a third-party app to fake GPS coordinates. With a VPN: A VPN masks your IP address, effectively disguising your actual location. A VPN gives you an extra layer of security and the ability to access geo-restricted content.

What is the coordinates of a location? ›

GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually expressed in alphanumeric characters. Coordinates, in this context, are points of intersection in a grid system. GPS coordinates are usually expressed as the combination of latitude and longitude.

What is the formula for coordinate conversion? ›

To convert the x coordinate from data to normalized coordinates, use the formula Nx = X0 + X1Dx. The same process is used to convert the y and z coordinates using ! Y.S and ! Z.S.

How do you calculate coordinates? ›

Go to the coordinate graph with the lines X'OX (in x-axis), Y'OY (in y-axis). Identify which quadrant of the graph contains an ordered pair or a point. Measure the distance between the point and the x-axis. Similarly, to obtain the coordinate value, measure the point's distance from the y-axis.

How do you convert xy coordinates to latitude and longitude? ›

Calculate latitude and longitude using the formula: latitude = asin (z/R) and longitude = atan2 (y,x). In this formula, we have the values of x, y, z and R from step 2. Asin is arc sin, which is a mathematical function, and atan2 is a variation of the arc tangent function.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.